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Explore our repository of Open Educational Resources (OER) on sustainability. Join us in building a sustainable future by developing sustainability capability with Aim2Sustain.

Together we can take a step towards a more sustainable future.



Introduction to sustainability in the HoReCa sector

This module introduces you to the concept and context of sustainability in HoReCa and provides you with key introductory knowledge regarding its importance for the HoReCa sector.


Waste management and recycling

This module provides an in-depth understanding of waste management and recycling practices within the HoReCa (hotels, restaurants and catering) sector.


Reduction of food waste

This module is about food waste reduction strategies for hotels, restaurants, and catering companies (HoReCa sector).


Local traditional resources, local economy, society, usage of organic materials

This module is designed as a valuable tool to learn more about the use of local traditional products and organic ingredients and their impact on the local economy and society.


Alternative/renewable energy, low carbon

This module is about alternative/renewable energy sources and carbon footprint reduction strategies in the HoReCa sector.


Human Resources Management, the importance of employees’ well-being and training

This module focuses on human resources in the HoReCa industry as a critical factor in the design and implementation of sustainability practices at an organisational level.